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Grayson practices traditional and electro acupuncture. Both types of acupuncture involve the insertion of fine medical grade, sterile needles into the skin at traditional pressure points to stimulate the smooth flow of Qi (the body’s energy) through the system and promote better blood flow to aid the healing process.

With traditional acupuncture, the focus is on needling empirical points which lie on meridian channels, removing stagnated Qi and restoring harmonious flow along the meridians.

Electro acupuncture aids the needling process with the addition of a TENS machine and focuses on areas of built up lactic and uric acids to promote better blood flow and eliminate pain.

Grayson will determine the best type of acupuncture for you during consultation.



Cupping is a traditional Chinese medicine practice of applying glass cups to the skin and creating a suction environment to remove stagnation and increase blood flow to the affected area, restoring harmonious flow of Qi .

Cupping is effective for musculo-skeletal ailments, relieving muscle tension and promoting cell repair.

Make an appointment

Call our clinic today to make an appointment with Grayson. You can discuss your condition with Grayson to determine the best treatment.